Friday, May 8, 2015

Kinda thought those days were behind me...

Last night--just as I was about to head for bed, Gilly started retching.  He went to the backyard to find grass.  He knows there is no grass in the backyard, but he goes on a relentless pursuit every time this happens.  Gilly's searching continued for about 1/2 an hour.   I finally decided my sleep would take place on the couch--closer access to the patio.  I gathered blankets and pillow--feeling more and more in need of them by the minute--then went out to check on Gilly.  He was still looking for grass.

At about 11 p.m., I put on his leash and took him to the newly mown and luscious grass in the front yard.  There I sat in my pj's and robe--half asleep and minus porch light--while Gilly hastily ate grass to enable his tummy to settle.

When we returned to the living room, he made a hasty retreat to the backyard to relieve himself of the grass and other digestive irritation--followed by an even sleepier me hosing off the patio...  Finally, after midnight, Gilly settled at my feet to sleep--while I, at his insistence, rubbed his chest...his soothing placeYes, VERY tight quarters with a 70 lb dog and adult on a standard size couch.  

Three hours later, we had a repeat performance of all the above mentioned activities....

This morning I am exhausted!  Gilly is still retching a bit but wanted his food which I gave in a reduced amount.  He's napping and my plans are to follow suit...  

I just thought of the beautiful quote by Anatole France:  “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."  HOWEVER, as I slowly fade into dreamland I'm thinking of the wisdom of those friends who are animal-less...


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