Friday, October 18, 2013

Everyday smiles...

In my mid-forties I finally got braces for my meanderingly crooked canines.  Two years later, with teeth all headed in the correct direction, my smile became more spontaneous.  And now it takes little excuse to open my mouth for reasons other than food, colorful jargon, and to offer the wisdom of the wizened crone....

Yesterday, I made an effort to be more aware of what makes me smile.  I'll share my discoveries:

1. The fall colors--amazing in this valley!  A beautiful array of reds and golds--whether looking at a house badly in need of paint and repair, or a lovely mansion with new saplings, the world takes on a new beauty.

                     Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile.     --- William Cullen Bryant

2.  Driving on an overpass I looked down to see at least 100 ducks resting on the surface of a pond.  The edges of my mouth turned up as I observed their obvious tranquility.

                       Be like a duck, paddling and working very hard inside the water, 
                                     but what everyone sees is a smiling and calm face.    
                                                                                                   --- Manoi Arora

3.  On my car CD player--remember, the one I can't turn off?--The Rose sung by Bette Midler played.  I've heard the song so many times--a reminder that love must first be found within ourselves--a lovely thought that makes me smile.

4.  On to English Dance class where we learn, and usually mess up, new dances--profuse apologies to Jane Austen; and occasionally trip over our own feet.  But when we finish, and the instructor says well done, amid much applause, we are all smiling.

                                   You can only have fun helping other people have fun 
                                                       if you're having fun doing it.
                                                                                                             --- Bernie DeKoven 

5.  Later, while shopping I heard a little girl saying, "Daddy, I need to look at more purses."  O yes, Dad, it's just the beginning I thought as I meandered through the same display.

                  Children learn to smile from their parents.     --- Shinichi Suzuki

6.  As I waited at the check out counter, a young mother with two toddlers came up.  I suggested she go ahead of me.   Her grateful look gave my heart a warm smile.

                                     Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, 
                             a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, 
          or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.    
                                                                                          ---Leo Buscaglia   

7.  On the way home, I heard sirens headed in my direction.   As cars pulled over, almost in unison, I thought--this is a time when there is no polarized community; no right wing or left wing;  no religious debate.  It's about making the area safer for emergency vehicles to get through to help those in need.  Another reason for my heart to smile.

                                   Peace begins with a smile         --- Mother Teresa

8.  Returning home to Gilly--his excitement at seeing me, his dances about the room, and his need to get outside all displayed with the same exuberant movements...

            A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

(sorry, but I can't resist another quote here)  If there is no heaven for dogs, then I want to go where they go when I die.   --- Anonymous
9.  Early evening I had dinner with friends, including a young Kenyan--a lovely lady, a beautiful smile.  A time to relax and share stories.

...lasting friendships are made by the sincerity of one hello and the honesty of one smile.

10.  Ending the evening at home with a BBC series and Gilly snuggled by my side--situated in such a way to get full advantage of my hands for petting, scratching, or just resting on him--brings that final peaceful--all is well--smile.

                                    What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.  
                     These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, 
                                                   the good they do is inconceivable.  
                                                                                                  --- Joseph Addison

                                                   What makes you smile?


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