Sunday, August 31, 2014

Rodent Raid...

Sometime ago, I blogged about finding a dead rat in my yard and if you recall, I described the spontaneous spine-bending-twisting-crazy-lady dance I did in my driveway as a result of the it's-gotta-be-moved-by-someone-and-it-ain't-gonna-be-me-but-no-one-else-is-around realization.

Yesterday, I had a similar siting.  Except this time in my backyard AND the four-legged creature is alive!  For sometime, Gilly has spent his evenings running the back fence--now I'm thinking the purpose extends beyond daily exercise.  He knows about the rat! 

OK, I'm a problem solver.  I'll look at this calmly and rationally.  Is Gilly trying to catch said creature to protect me?  Does this rodent ever come on my patio?   WORSE CASE SCENARIO--and all the calm is gone...Can he get through Gilly's doggy door?  What am I going to do!!!??

Anyone slightly acquainted with me knows I do not like guns...especially in the hands of maniacs...of which I'm one with a gun in my hands.  However, after my siting, I must again calm my maniacal tendencies...what kind of weapon will not only kill this roaming rodent, but take its remains out of my sight the instant of demise?  Perhaps a Google search is in store--a hand gun?  M16?  A shotgun?  Grenade?  I know, a machine gun.  Problem is, I don't own any of these--'course I wouldn't have to go far within family boundaries to find a supply of at least some of these.

So, what do I do?  I'm not really into violence.  Perhaps I could consider allowing Gilly his new friend and hope he can keep the beast at bay?  Throw my food garbage in the neighbor's yard and the beast will find another happy home?  Go into therapy?  (There are those who might even fork out a few shillings to encourage that experience.) 

Another idea:  Call in law enforcement!  Yes, that will work.  My next door police officer and friend will have the answer. 

Ahhh -- I feel so much better!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Exciting news...or my life is desperately boring.

Two days ago my new washer and dryer arrived.  A washer and dryer isn't an exciting purchase--I mean it's just about work, right?  AND--have you noticed the prices of said appliances in recent years?  Admitting the cost of my first Maytag would be a dead age-giveaway, so I'll just tease you with my youthful looks and leave you guessing.  Laundry appliances are now considered expensive for anyone's pocketbook!

So I admit I felt no claim to elation or frenzy about this needed purchase until the Lowe's delivery men--nicest guys in the world!--began their chat about efficiency.   I sidle up with enthusiasm as they mention money saved--yes, and, of course, energy

Sitting back recalling that 30 minutes of conversation about these utilitarian investments, I realize my life could stand a bit more excitement...